Thursday, February 24, 2011


Yesterday's post torn down for being too esoteric. The sincerity/irony duality mentioned a few entries back was taken to the universal level.  Sincerity is sun and light and yang, irony is ocean and dark and yin - objective applications for the man-made mechanisms of our compromised morality. Strictly academic. Less so as we remember how our culture is too overly yin, in the humor as well as the diet.

Now I'm thinking I should just full out wallow in self-definition, what this blog always does. And what better way than to look back on someone else's definition of your own inimitable character? Anthony Wilson did just that when he dedicated first an elusive jazz ballad and then a whole dictionary style encapsulation of what it is about me for the booklet. Savivity is the title cut of  his 2005 trio release.

Why can't I bring myself to throw a link under his name? Why have I only made copies of the jacket for less than half a dozen people? Is modesty inherent to all things Savlove by definition? 

It's easier to wave the SaveLove banner over a revelation I had this week: That public libraries and Wilson's authoritative gift to me are two more examples of the philosophy I wrote almost 30 years ago, "The love you save is the love you give away." That complete line has been rendered safe by cosmic copyright law to be lifted as it is here out of context and applied to any other surrounding condition.

The "Save Love" song itself has been fully protected under copyright law since 1981 and is registered with ASCAP.

Such reveling. Such pride of exclusivity. Such work for anyone who senses a sweet aroma in the room but can't be moved to explore the multi-levels of my simple song if the topic can't be clicked. The good news is that I'm still the same guy who wrote the song and still the same guy my friend described. The predictably ironic news is that the bridge of the song, about loving someone from afar and waiting until it's right because that's the only way it can be, is that there are too many human types to generalize about monogamy and related issues. Sure, John Savlove is so unique among the 7 billion that he gets a whole other noun to corroborate his self-actualization. But what about the rest of us? We are commonly misunderstood, constantly made to feel vulnerable, under intense pressure as civilized creatures, more than ever in some ways as cushy as the creature comforts may be. To anyone out there looking for some comfort here in my's not about the shades of gray between black and white, it's about the spectrum of color.

The black/white duality gets played up a lot in American history, the good guys and bad guys thing. The ability of the human to hold two opposing concepts in his or her mind at once distinguishes man as the most complex thought form on earth. There's a lot of gray area between those two behavioral formats too, eh? Anyway, Obama is of mixed origin, so one can only hope his determined impression catches up with a lot of the damage done to the societal psyche simply because incompetence breeds corruption and vice versa. Good will is efficient when applied with a firm spine. But good will is notoriously mushy. Good will can blow it just like ill will. The thing about the dualities is that one can't exist without the other. The seed of irony is planted in the blossom of sincerity. The trick is to ride the waves accordingly, spiral the heaven or hell as events may occur.

That's it for now, readers. I'm thankful for my anonymity. I feel too sensitive for reality TV, yet comfortable picturing myself with Oprah. There's still time to write for laptop demo tracks. Still got a lot of rewriting to do before I make a product.

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