Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sorry, conservaliberAlls, consciousness is still sacred

    I was doing some relaxed breathing the other day with a friend. It is engaged work that helps create a more vibrant living. I mentioned how suspect it is that both liberals and conservatives have bought into the cliche that "nothing is sacred" for so long that a slew of new rules, laws and deregulations serve to justify that, or take it for granted. The Left and the Right are only pretending to be at war with each other; they actually both feed off the inept assumption that a living can be made off of everybody else's mistakes.

    "If nothing is sacred," he said, "it follows that the very best thing we can do is nothing. And the vacuum filled by liability laws confirms that. The concept of home economic regulation is treated as nothing, when actually it has only been lost in the dismantling of neighborhood economies. So we shall safely do nothing all day. A blow to consumerism, but a bow to the State nonetheless!"

     Yes, my friend. "Nothing" is a code word for so much more than the void, or Seinfeld's "nothing", or for appearing to contain an idle yoga.

    Then I went on back to the Old Souls home.

     What is so invested with god's grace that today it can be called sacred? Already the tea drinkin' motorcycle gangs are gearing up slurs of elitism. "You think you're one of a special breed, Savlove. Well let me tell you - you ain't no more sacred than us."

       And so begins the apocalypse. Trees are no longer sacred. Water is no longer sacred. Marriage is no longer sacred. Sex is no longer sacred. That which gives life is no longer sacred. That which hastens death is worshipped and adored, more so when chemically addictive.

    Why disparage a whole class of priests when only some of them are pederasts? There is an answer to that question that only further embarrasses any dominant religion where priests are trusted to be moral paragons. Priests and popes are not vested with God's Word. The laws and morals of a community are consistently founded in ever-shifting interpretations of God and Man. A personification named Allah or U-No-Who does not see all the pomp and circumstance. Prayers are heard according to their vibratory quality. The factors in the total quality are not the topic here. There is no separation of Church and State. Attempts to separate them will fail just as disappointingly as attempts to make Church and State a seamless autocratic prosperity.

    "God consciousness." That's a phrase from the Hare Krishna books devotees used to hand out in airports. You don't see them anymore. There's probably a law against that kind of loitering now. And that phrase, so off-putting. How in hell does a guy with a little pony tail and a glaze of contentment expect someone waiting for a plane to get off on "god consciousness"? Screweth Youeth. You make no sense to me.

    The good news is that consciousness is still sacred. Consciousness can still turn this debacle around. Consciousness does come from god (and all that entails).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very similar.