Saturday, August 14, 2010

Links supports saving love even if this diary doesn't lend itself to a vertical strip of suggested sites. I like ibrain. It's dedicated to "picking the brain of the internet". Worldwide users are on the rise. is authored by one of my oldest friends. He has a literary blog, often with an emphasis on Irish writers, and a philosophy blog as well, his academic field.
As Andy said about blogs recently, "You give what you've got." In his case, that's a witty and well reasoned view of anything he takes on. He's gained a lot of visibility with these, proving quite helpful to people interested in the same books. is one for this summer. With Google in the corner, links aren't really that necessary anyway; the web is set up to make connections quickly and I'm already finding that the faster one moves the less necessary links are. Karen Crystal here found her Twin Flame in this life and I identify with her in a number of ways. KC says that everything happens for a reason. If you find your Twin Flame but the Twin Flame can't deal with your physicality, surrender to bliss anyway. Nevertheless, there are good reasons for happening to pose questions, questions like: What more could anyone want from life than someone's unconditional love? Even if it is the devotion of a leper, the beloved should have the capacity to bestow at least a little gratitude.

This morning I figured out how to make these links. Instead of figuring out how to clean them up like on those handsome indexes, I'm just going to throw on my other blog, It tells other parts of the same story as this one. It takes more chances with form and willingness to vent. As usual, all roads lead to Athena, who I think is the only regular visitor to this blog anyway. The questions I posed to her have been read, unanswered, and transcended in a parallel compassionate form of mine that smiles upon my cussing. Correct me if I'm wrong, Mrs. C!

Finally,, home of Mantak Chia. Call this SavLife a survey of healers, therapists, musicians, punsters, sexy sexies, witches, immoralists, and immortalists. I call Chia the teacher who has put it all together for me. The teachings have held me back from taking the world on too fast - and once my fate does take me on, the teachings will be there to help me survive it.

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